
Personal Data

Name: Didier Dubreuil

Age: 43 years old

Nationality: French

Address: Moscow

Phone: +7 926 931 98 50

Email: didier.dubreuil@gmail.com

Single – No kids

Professional Objectives

I want to contribute to the development and success of a company seeking to expand in the markets of Eastern Europe. I want to apply my skills and my multicultural experience to build or strengthen the structure.

My engineering background, along with my professional experiences, made me a pragmatic, open-minded person. I know the requirements and restrictions of the Eastern countries market.

Work Experience

Since 2019 -

Ladays, Latvia

Ladays Brand Development Director

Creation of menstrual lingerie products.

Search for supplier of lingerie fabric and manufacturers.

Negotiation (services / volumes / prices / deadlines / payments).

Online store creation / visuals / payment / automation.

Automation of customer contacts (Newsletters, notices, follow-up).

Communication (influencers / google ads / press / comparison sites / communication agency).

Achievements : 5 models available in 8 sizes, delivery within 5 working days. Articles published in the women’s press.

2013 - 2019 -

OOO Savoye, Russia

Proposal Manager and Project Manager

Participation in the creation of the Russian subsidiary OOO Savoye (warehouse automation).

Data analysis, client’s specifications, KPI analysis.

Definition and design of automated solution (mechanization, shelving, conveyance …). Definition of the cost price and supply of the commercial supports, drafting of the offer, follow-up of the project until reception.

Particularity: Worked on non-standard projects, new or evolutions, also outside Russia. DDP calculations.

2010 - 2012

OOO EMI, Russia

General Director

Development of customer portfolio throughout Russia,

and agency facilities (staff, vehicles, tools).

Search for partners, suppliers, subcontractors.

Supervision of project / assembly /maintenance managers.

Promotion of new products, production development in Russia.


Managed a team of 20 peoples (Russians and Uzbeks)

Achievements: Reduced people turnover.

New project turnover ~ 1M €.

Maintenance turnover ~ 360k €

2008 - 2010

OOO EMI, Ukraine

Project Manager

Analysis of customer needs on industrial closure systems (Metal curtain, High-speed door, Sectional door, Fire door, Fencing, Self-supporting gates).

Drafting of tenders, ordering, importing and follow-up of construction site (supervision of assembly teams, supervision of work progress, quality control of works) until reception.

Managed a team of 15 people (Ukrainians)

2004 - 2008

SEC Physical, France

Development Manager

Responsible for the development of the company: First employee. Development of services, client portfolio (in France and Morocco),

Validation Manager: writing protocols and test sheet on the following qualifications: IQ, QO, QP, FAT, SAT. Drafting, follow-up and / or execution of tests on utilities (air conditioning, supervision, cleanrooms), on production line (prostheses, drying of filter cartridges), special machines (high temperature drying oven in ISO 5) And laboratory equipment.

Achievements: People 1=>4, Turnover ~200k€


1999 - 2003


Engineering Degree in Optronics

Engineering degree in optronics, Polytechnic University of Orleans – Promotion Boltzmann.  

– Laser and Plasma Physics / Laser and Plasma Applications / Surface Treatment / Applied Optics / Signal Treatment / Micro Electronics

2000 - 2001

University of Surrey

Erasmus at UNIS

Semester at the University of Surrey (UK) under the ERASMUS program.

– C++ / RF Electronics / Control Engineering / Digital Electronics / Analogical Electronics…


  • Didier Taburiaux

    Project Director

    We worked together when he was Director of Filial in 2011, on some projects in Russia. He is conscientious and shows professional skills.
    build strong relationship with clients. He is dynamic, hardworking, well organised and he is always searching for smart solutions to reach his goals. He is definitely a valuable element for any organization.

  • Henri Brosselard

    Founder Sap-easy

    We shared our respective knowledge about e-business, Web technologies and the creation of companies. We also treated the topic of trading. I can testify his deep skills on these different subjects. Didier is dynamic, opinionated, organised, and he always finds the means to reach his targets.

  • Olga Khinich

    Key Account Manager of Asstra AG

    I could point out his exceptional professionalism and goal-oriented approach. He always kept agreed deadlines making his best and demonstrating perfect time management. Didier worked hard to deliver the best business solutions to his clients and regularly proposed innovations to win a tender. His business approach fully reflects Didier’s strive for improvements and innovations as well as his constant professional growth. Didier’s output of completed projects has resulted in Savoye’s successful penetration of Russian market I have been witnessing during three years of our cooperation.

  • Philippe Apkarian


    I met him in Russia in 2016, I can tesify he has remarkable skills, the ability to adapt and build strong relationship with clients. He had shown an outstanding professionalism in dealing with colleagues and higher management.
    Didier always had a professional growth; he constantly has been looking for ways to ensure the success in his work.

Skills & Knowledge


Business Development92%
Project Management90%
Web Technologies75%


TOEIC : 885/990

TOEIC : Test of English for International Communication

885/990 : Operational Superior

Trading contest eToro

Winner of weekly trading contest eToro, as Didbest.

1st over 5000 traders.



  • Reliability
  • Communication
  • Team player
  • Leadership
  • Organisation
  • Studies and planification
  • Marketing
  • Business strategy
  • Web technologies
  • Analysis
  • Networking
  • Management

Hobbies & Interests

  • Sports


    Interest for sports in general. Football, handball, table tennis, water-polo.

  • Movies


    Westerns, films of Audiard and brothers Cohen

  • Travel


    Regular trips in Europe, Asia and Africa. Objective: 1 new country to visit per year

  • Music


    Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jamiroquai, Aznavour, Brel

  • Technology


    Interest for every new technology linked with eBusiness

  • Trading


    Programmation of algorythms for MT4